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Hello and welcome.

If you came from my old blog over on Blogger or from one of my social accounts, welcome back, if you're a new visitor welcome and I hope you're going to stick around.

I moved from Blogger to Wix because A. I needed a fresh start after the blogging slump I've been in these last few months and B. I needed more creative freedom when it comes to my blog layout which I couldn't find in Blogger.

I wanted a very simple and clean design with less fuss and gadgets everywhere so I humbly designed one that is far from being perfect but it's the closest I could get to what I envisioned.

The change of the layout will come with more changes in terms of the content I post on here, I want it to be varied, more authentic and more spontaneous.

As of these last two years, I noticed a big shift in my personality and with it other areas in my life have changed, whether it be my fashion style, my photography or my beliefs and the causes I stand for, I want this blog to reflect that shift and from there simultaneously document my future changes and growth. You can always read my old blog by clicking the Archive page.

So, expect posts about musings and thoughts that normally live in my notebooks because they didn't fit the "niche" of my old blog, more curated posts about lifestyle and well-being, short posts with a photo dump of random everyday photos, and I still didn't work out how I'm going to do this but I want to include videos into my content because I love filming and editing and I don't plan on creating a youtube channel anytime soon.

Anyways, I aim to make this blog a free space where I can post whenever I feel like it and whatever I want to post, no niche no categories, nada. I hope you're going to stick around and follow my journey.

Thank you so much for reading.

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